What do you have access to with your subscription?
Your subscription allows you to access all of our extreme Videos, as indicated on the subscription page. This means that with your login credentials, you will be able to access thousands of videos in an unlimited way during the entire duration of your subscription. The videos are also available in streaming, which allows you to view them directly from the site!
What are the access conditions?
Is the payment system secure?
The payment system we use is secure and recognized. You have no reason to worry about your bank details.
Is your anonymity guaranteed?
Your anonymity is guaranteed on our site as well as on the site of our payment service provider. Sensitive information such as your names and contact details are not accessible and we ensure strict confidentiality.
How does your subscription appear on your bank statement?
Your subscription appears in a neutral way on your bank statement in order to ensure your peace of mind. There will be no indication of a site with pornographic or even erotic content!
How to unsubscribe?
To unsubscribe, simply use the unsubscribe link provided when sending the email or click on this link.
How to identify yourself with your subscription?
When you subscribe, you receive your access codes by email. These allow you to authenticate yourself to access the videos and photos in streaming.
Username and password or unique access code?
You have two possibilities to identify yourself on the site, it all depends on the payment center you used when subscribing.
Didn't receive your access codes by email?
Check your emails, the codes are systematically sent by our servers when you register. It is possible that the email has ended up in your spam box. So check this inbox as well.
Are the videos stored on our servers?
No video is stored on our servers, the videos are called from third-party servers.
No video is stored on our servers, the videos are called from third-party servers.
Our videos are encoded in MP4. This format does not require any specific codec to be installed to view the videos.
What video players are recommended?
Most video players support the format we use. Players like 'Windows Media Player' or 'Real One Player' work very well. However, I prefer 'Media Player Classic' which I find light and practical to use. It's up to you.
Required configuration?
A basic configuration is sufficient to surf on our sites.
What is streaming?
This feature allows you to view each of our videos directly on the site without having to download them. Ideal for surfing at your workplace for example.
Didn't find a solution to your problem?
For any problem or question not listed in this help, do not hesitate to contact us at: [email protected]